Frequently Asked Questions

Why form a lake association?

The association was formed by neighbors and property owners on Halfmoon Lake who care about conserving, restoring, and protecting the natural resources of the Halfmoon Lake. The association will be a source of information about the lake and amplify the collective voice of lake-associated households.

Here are a few reasons to form an association:

a.      To organize lake residents and property owners for common benefit and goals

b.      To educate and communicate with all lake residents and property owners

c.      To address the health of the lake

d.      For intra-lake communications

e.      To serve as a social and/or benevolent group

f.       To speak as a unified voice

g.      A group usually engages more “clout” than an individual

h.      To collaborate with local government officials and regional partners

i.       To be able to engage in functions and limit potential liability

j.       Sponsorship of events

Halfmoon Lake is a treasured lake in Dexter Township and a great resource to each property owner. Unfortunately, it also is one of the few lakes in the area lacking an association. We look forward to protecting our water quality and the overall ecology of the lake, learning about environmental changes, and addressing residents’ concerns about our shoreline and water quality. The Halfmoon Lake Community Association (HLCA) would serve as vehicle to help facilitate this. Additionally, it could prove beneficial to interface with other lake associations in the township to learn from their activities, successes, and failures. Coordinating with other associations in the township will also help improve our region and the Huron River watershed.

Who is a “member” of the Halfmoon Lake Community Association?

Anyone who owns a lakefront property or a parcel with deeded access to Halfmoon Lake can become a member by completing a Membership Form and submitting it to the HLCA Secretary. Per the bylaws, only members are allowed to vote during HLCA meetings and there can only be one member per household. However, all members of a household and any interested parties are encouraged to be on the contact list, access the web site, and participate in HLCA activities. See the bylaws for additional details.

I live near Halfmoon Lake but don’t have deeded access. Can I be a member?

No - at this time, members are defined as those who DO have lakefront property or deeded access to the lake. However, you are encouraged to be on the contact list and support the Association.

Does it cost anything to be a member?

No! Other nearby lake associations collect dues in order to maintain membership and support Association activities, but HLCA is a 501(c)3 organization supported by voluntary donations. As of 11/16/23, donations to the Association are tax deductible.

What are the requirements of membership?

While all members are invited to be active in the association (read the emails/come to meetings/explore the website), there are no requirements to maintain membership.

Is the Halfmoon Lake Community Association a nonprofit organization?

Yes! The Association is incorporated with the state of Michigan and received official 501(c)3 status as a recognized nonprofit organization on 11/16/23. Therefore, we are able to accept deductible donations.

Why will the HLCA ask for donations?

Instead of charging dues, we will ask for donations to fund our operations. Monetary donations are welcome but completely voluntary. Volunteering your time and skills is appreciated too!

How will the HLCA use the donations it receives?

Donations will cover our minimal administrative expenses: the cost of incorporating, hosting the website, bylaws review, reporting fees, etc. All officers in the HLCA are volunteers; there are no paid staff members.

Will the HLCA make rules that apply to property owners?

No! We are not a homeowners association and have no power to make rules. The HLCA is all about sharing information, educating lakefront property owners, and ultimately protecting the lake as a wonderful resource we all enjoy.